review episode 5!!

episode 5: a review of friends!! 


Hello and welcome or welcome back to my blog, where I review not so unknown show friends. So, no one told you life was gonna be this way, your jobs joke, you’re broke, your love life’s DOA. (hope you sang along). But unfortunately, you’re still in this blog reading that shouldn’t be read, ha just kidding. Did you know that this show would have been named six of us or friends like us? Let's get started with this review.  So, this is my last blog in this series. Do check it out before I bored you with my ramble. Let's get started (think as if this is my YouTube channel and we are starting the video.) 

If you haven’t read season 7 and season 8 


Check it out: episode 4


If you haven't read season 5 and season 6   


Check it out: episode 3



If you haven't read season 3 and season 4   


Check it out: episode 2


If you haven't read season 1 and season 2  


Check it out: episode 1

In the end, I will suggest you one of my favourite episodes, so read till the end. 


1. Phoebe was originally written as a "serial monogamist." She was described as the kind of person who "doesn't date, but just moves in with guys."

2. If the creators of the show had taken the cast's advice, the Rachel/Joey storyline would never have happened. 

3. There was also supposed to be a storyline in which Chandler went to a male strip club because he really liked the sandwiches. Matthew Perry convinced the writers to scrap it. 

4. There was a whole scene about hijacking and bombs cut from an episode in season nine because it was due to air in the weeks after 9/11. 

5. The writers had envisioned Monica as dark, edgy and snarky and so were unsure whether Courteney would be right for the role. But, after her audition, they decided that her portrayal of the character was "a lovelier place to go." 

6. Hank Azaria had his heart set on playing Joey. He was so desperate for the role that after being rejected the first time, he begged for a second audition. He didn't get the role, but further down the line was cast as Phoebe's boyfriend David. 

7. Ellen DeGeneres was offered the role of Phoebe but turned it down. 

8. The show was originally supposed to be centred around just four friends, with Phoebe and Chandler as supporting characters. 

9. However, we came close to not having Friends in our lives at all. The pilot of the show tested so badly that it almost didn't make it to air. 

10. "The One Where No One's Ready" may have become one of the show's most-loved episodes, but it actually only happened because the production team needed to save money. 

11. The character Charlie only came about because of the criticism levelled at the show for not being diverse enough. 

Season 9  


Joey attempts to let Rachel know that he didn't propose, yet can't get a second alone with her. Phoebe gets involved yet that simply confounds things. Joey attempts to get Ross far from Rachel until he can fix it. Monica and Chandler keep attempting to get pregnant; Mr Geller finds them having intercourse in the janitor's storage room and is embarrassed until he discovers that they're attempting to imagine; then, at that point, he's so energetic he begins offering them guidance, and Monica is humiliated. Joey, Ross, and Rachel at long last fixed that nobody planned to propose; Ross was simply intending to inquire as to whether they could begin their relationship once more. Everything is just with regards to streamlined when Ross understands that Rachel is wearing the ring, and in this way more likely than not accepted Joey 

The group hosts a welcome-home get-together for Rachel. At the point when Emma rests, Rachel misses her, so she awakens her. Nothing can return her once again to rest. Chandler, apprehensive with regards to a major gathering, has missed an evening of rest and nods off in the gathering. Eventually, he awakens with perfect timing to unconsciously consent to move to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Monica will not consent to it, yet the executives will not let him free. Ross is as yet irate with Joey for being locked in (regardless of whether coincidentally) to Rachel. Joey attempts to get Ross to punch him, however at that point ducks and Ross hits a post, breaking his thumb. Joey keeps making extra wounds Ross. Joey doesn't comprehend the "quotes" signal. "SuperMonica" at last gets Emma to return to rest.  


Chandler and Monica report their arrangements to move to Oklahoma. Monica contacts a café head-tracker to check whether there's a gourmet expert situation in Tulsa and winds up getting an extraordinary proposal for a situation in New York. She chooses to take it, so Chandler orchestrates to go through only 4 days every week in Tulsa. Joey can't move past the way that Emma's paediatrician is named Dr Weiner. Phoebe and Joey consent to set each up with dates; Joey neglects, however, lies that he's set her up with somebody named Mike; then, at that point, he needs to track down somebody to possess all the necessary qualities. Phoebe discovers reality and leaves, however, I later Mike observes her at the café and they organize to go out once more. Rachel mishandles Emma's paediatrician to an extreme, so she needs to track down another one; she goes to Ross' old paediatrician (Dr Gettleman) just to find that "Rossy" actually goes there, also. 

Ross calls attention to that Phoebe's never been in a drawn-out relationship, which cracks her out similarly as she leaves out on the town with Mike. Ross finds Mike later to clarify why Phoebe was so upset, however, exacerbates the situation with an anecdotal tale around a six-year relationship she had. Chandler needs to remain at the end of the week in Tulsa, so Monica flies there to astonish him. He's watching pornography when she shows up, however, he changes the channel rapidly, which makes her think he gets off to shark narratives. Joey meets a hot lady (Hayley) and starts dating her, yet he perceives her loft and believes he's laid down with her previously. She clearly doesn't recollect it so he, at last, defies her with regards to it, just to discover the recently dated her flatmate.  


Phoebe designs an extraordinary supper out for her birthday, and all the pack intends to come. Be that as it may, just she and Joey make it on schedule. Monica and Chandler are late because they battle about the way that he's begun smoking once more, and because she's ovulating and needs to consider. Rachel and Ross are late because they lock themselves out of their loft while Emma's inside; and their sitter (Mrs Geller) is late. Ross utilizes a lot of outdated expressions, and Monica has the bosoms of a greek goddess (as per Phoebe). Joey battles with hunger, however, in the end, will eat everybody's food.  


Monica's energy about her new residence of work doesn't actually stage Chandler until she makes reference to that one of her collaborators (Jeffery) is the most clever person she's always met. Chandler attempts to demonstrate he's more entertaining. Phoebe and Mike make the following stride in their relationship, by trading condo keys. Then, at that point, Phoebe's past love interest, David (The Scientist Guy), comes to town from Minsk for a couple of days, placing Phoebe's feelings in the struggle. Rachel and Ross enlist a male babysitter (Sandy) to really focus on Emma, however, he's excessively delicate for Ross' solace. Joey takes in life examples from the babysitter's manikin shows 

Ross makes Emma chuckle interestingly, by singing "Child Got Back," which irritates Rachel (until she observes she can't make Emma giggle some other way). Joey ponders putting resources into an Emu ranch, however, Monica says he ought to put resources into land, and proposes her ex Richard's condo, which is available to be purchased. While Joey and Chandler investigate Richard's loft, Chandler finds (and takes) a tape with Monica's name on it, stressed over what may be on it. Chandler affirms that it's a sex tape, and Monica attempts to quiet him down until she understands that it's not her on the tape; then, at that point, she's surprised that Richard taped over her. Phoebe goes to supper at Mike's folks' place and establishes a horrendous connection; however, discovers that Mike cherishes her.  


Chandler persuades Monica to utilize the great china dishes for Thanksgiving. Joey neglects he should be in the Thanksgiving march with the remainder of the Days of Our Lives cast, so Phoebe shows him how to deceive his maker. Rachel's other sister (Amy) shows up suddenly for Thanksgiving and is disturbed when she discovers Chandler and Monica get Emma if Ross and Rachel pass on. Furthermore, Chandler is vexed that he possibly gets Emma in case Monica is alive. Amy can't get Emma's or alternately Phoebe's names right, heedlessly affronts everybody, and overall makes everybody insane.  


Joey gets Knicks tickets for him and Chandler, however, Chandler needs to be with Monica. He lets Joey know that he needs to remain in Tulsa, however when Joey observes Monica planning for an evening of enchantment, he believes she's taking part in an extramarital entanglement. Rachel (in a dress that shows off her resources) goes out with Phoebe for an evening to remember. In the meantime, Ross and Mike hang out together yet observe they don't have anything fascinating to discuss. Rachel gives out her telephone number to a fellow and afterwards thinks twice about it later, stressed over it meddling in her prospects with Ross. She and Phoebe attempt to return home before the person requires her. Ross gets the call in any case yet doesn't tell Rachel.  


Chandler needs to spend Christmas in Tulsa to finish the administrative work and understands he's the just one in his gathering of Friends who despises his work. He recollects past Christmases in a progression of flashbacks from prior Christmas scenes and chooses to send his subordinates home. One (Wendy) remains behind. Monica isn't happy with Chandler working alone with her. He accepts she doesn't have anything to stress over until Wendy makes a pass at him. He turns her down, pronouncing his affection for Monica. She inquires as to why he's not with his better half on Christmas, which prompts a progression of flashbacks about his relationship with Monica; likewise provoking him to leave his place of employment and return to New York.  


Monica assists Chandler with thinking about what professions he's keen on. He decides to promote, and Monica orchestrates a gathering with a companion (Steve) in the business. Joey finds Phoebe a line of work accomplishing additional work on Days Of Our Lives, however she acts over the top with her characters a bit. Ross and Rachel take Emma to Ralph Lauren to meet the staff. While there, Rachel finds that her impermanent substitution is not really set in stone to assume control over her occupation for all time, so she gets back to work right away. He ends up being somewhat more pleasant than anticipated. Chandler gets offered a neglected temporary position at Steve's office, which may mean he and Monica need to delay having a kid for some time.  


Ross and Rachel have another caretaker (Molly), who is hot. Ross tells Joey not to pursue her, which simply makes him need her more. Mike finds that Phoebe has a rodent in her loft, which she treats as a pet (or rather, as an incidental guest for whom she puts out food). Then, at that point, they find that the rodent has had infants. Mike erroneously kills the rodent, and Phoebe feels they are capable to raise the vagrants. Rachel keeps on battling with her colleague, Gavin; Monica welcomes him to Rachel's birthday celebration. Gavin comes over toward the finish of the party and takes action on Rachel; they kiss. Ross is disturbed when he sees them in his loft, as he's tidying up after the child. Molly ends up being gay. 

Ross is vexed that Rachel kissed Gavin, yet is reluctant to talk with her with regards to it. Rachel is concerned that it was some unacceptable thing to do and uncertain with regards to her relationship with Ross, however, is reluctant to talk with him about it. Ross attempts to continue; he hits on each lady around and connects with a peculiar one (Michelle). At the point when Ross and Rachel at long last talk, it's all negative, and Rachel chooses to move back in with Joey for some time. Joey needs new headshots, and his photographic artist encourages him to get his eyebrows waxed. The aggravation is excessively, so he just finishes one. Chandler assists him with an excursion by doing the other one, with amazing ability. All things being equal, Joey looks peculiar. Phoebe and Monica go to Mike's piano bar where the supporters sing. She chooses to play out; the group cherishes her because the spotlight makes her shirt straightforward.  


Phoebe and Joey set up Rachel on Ross on horrendous prearranged meet-ups, with the expectation that they'll understand by an examination how great they are together. Joey sets up for Ross to be stood up, and Phoebe sorts out for Rachel to go out with Steve (the Stoned Guy). Monica and Chandler deal with Emma; when she nods off, they go into the room to attempt to make their very own child. Joey comes into the loft and Emma awakens, so he assumes her to his position. When they get back from the room and find Emma is gone, the alarm. Joey attempts to get somebody to name their first youngster Joey, to carry on his "family name."  


Chandler gets a temporary job in promoting. From the beginning, his age is by all accounts an issue, comparative with all the youthful school kids. However, his age and experience give him a viewpoint that serves him well, even in showcasing items to young people. Joey gets a tryout for a Broadway play; right away, he's horrible, however some other time (when he wants to go to the washroom) his apprehensive energy dazzles the makers and star, and he gets the part. Phoebe and Ross get robbed, yet it turns out Phoebe knows the mugger from her days in the city, when she every so often robbed individuals, as well. This helps Ross to remember the time he was robbed as a kid; Phoebe acknowledges she was the person who robbed him such a long time back. He's extremely disturbed with regards to it until she returns his youth custom made a comic book, "Science Boy."  


Chandler and Monica are a little short on assets, because of Chandler's absence of a paying position. Each separately asks Joey for an advance, swearing him to the mystery. At the point when Chandler sees that Joey as of late composed a huge check to Monica, Joey covers by saying it's for bosom inserts. Phoebe and Mike choose to live respectively; Phoebe gets amped up for the conceivable outcomes in their future, including marriage. Then, at that point, she discovers that because of his initially bombed marriage, Mike never needs to get hitched again. They conclude they need various things and terminate their friendship. Rachel purchases hardware to child confirmation the loft yet needs to employ a jack of all trades to introduce it. Then, at that point, Joey can't move beyond the child insurance gadgets.  


Ross and Chandler post counterfeit data about one another on their school's graduated class site. It heightens until Chandler posts that Ross has passed on, and Ross organizes a dedicated administration to see who comes. Emma becomes appended to Joey's full toy penguin, Hugsy. He gets another so he can have the first back, however, Emma doesn't pull out all the stops. Phoebe and Mike battle with their separation and are stepped back together.  


Everybody chooses to pool some cash and purchase lottery tickets, aside from Ross, the lottery cynic. Rachel and Ross, anticipating that Emma should begin talking soon, wipe out hostile words from their discussion and begin calling one another "Mom" and "Daddy." Chandler hangs tight for news regarding whether his temporary job will transform into a long-lasting aide's position. The open positions get filled and he's discouraged about not getting picked until he discovers that he's being offered a superior position - Junior Copywriter. Phoebe, scared by a pigeon, incidentally drops the lottery tickets off the overhang, and half are lost. However, they win... three dollars.  


Joey needs motivation for his affection scenes on Days of our Lives and uses his previous love for Rachel as a wellspring of inspiration. It contacts Rachel and gives her something to contemplate. Chandler designs a heartfelt end of the week away, yet Monica needs to work. He can't get a discount on the room, so he and Ross go there to go through the end of the week, and attempt to take sufficient inn conveniences to bring in the cashback. Phoebe, hearing that Monica has visitors remaining in line outside her eatery, chooses to play her music there. This burdens their relationship somewhat more than either can bear. Ross gets sugar rushes from maple candy.  


Rachel keeps on battling with her affections for Joey. Joey gives the group passes to a one-lady play (Why Don't You Like Me?) to dispose of them while he hosts a gathering for his Soap Opera mates, on the rooftop. Everybody discovers and goes to his party, except for Chandler, who stalls out at the play, watching a harsh lady whine about existence. Ross meets a delightful new teacher (Charlie) and they hit it off well. He carries her to Joey's party yet wonders whether or not to take action since he's threatened by her past heartfelt interests, all Nobel Prize victors. Rachel chooses to follow Joey, however, at that point she observes him making out with Charlie, which ruins her arrangements and Ross'. Chandler tracks Monica and Phoebe into going to the play. 

Ross battles with the contention between his advantage in Charlie and Joey's craving to intrigue her. He mentors Joey on doing and making statements that she'll appreciate. Rachel has a gift declaration for a free back rub at a major corporate back rub chain; Phoebe makes her vow not to go. She goes at any rate and finds that Phoebe works there. Monica and Chandler go in for ripeness testing and find Janice. Afterwards, the specialist calls and lets Chandler know that he and Monica both have ripeness issues.  


Joey sets up for a hesitant Rachel to help Charlie look for some new garments. Phoebe shows up also, and Charlie catches Phoebe and Rachel discussing Rachel's affections for Joey, yet Charlie thinks it was Phoebe who cares deeply about him. Phoebe is welcome to a party that Mike will likewise be joining in and worries overlooking extraordinary however professing to be over him. In any case, coming, she runs into her past love interest, David (the Scientist fellow), and changes her arrangements. Ross gets an opportunity to be the featured expert at a Paleontology show in Barbados; when he's making his pitch to the choosing educator, it takes care of him. Chandler and Monica visit their Doctor about conceptive choices and start looking for a sperm contributor. Chandler welcomes a logical however clueless up-and-comer (Zack) to supper, and he gets a little creeped out by the odd inquiries Chandler and Monica are posing. Eventually, they choose to embrace.  


The pack (counting Phoebe's sweetheart, David) travel to Barbados for Ross and Charlie's gathering. The steady downpour forestalls a large portion of the pack from partaking in their experience on the island. David is concerned he can't measure up to Mike; Chandler lets him know Mike's weak was that he was against marriage, so David chooses to propose to Phoebe. Monica, realizing Phoebe is as yet hung up on Mike, attempts to fix Chandler's intruding with her very own portion, and calls Mike requesting that he move forward. Chandler inadvertently eradicates Ross' feature discourse, so Ross and Charlie stay up all night together to revamp it, while Rachel and Joey have a great time slamming the adjoining drug show. Ross and Charlie discover that they have loads of fun together, and a ton in like manner - including ex-es who ended up being gay. Rachel is going to let Joey know how she feels about him, however, they're intruded. David starts to propose to Phoebe, however, Mike appears and proposes first. Phoebe says no, however, reunites with him, realizing that now they can have a future together.  


The climate in Barbados is at long last decent, however just during Ross' discourse. Rachel and Joey snicker over the expression "Homo-Erectus." After the discourse, while it rains once more, Monica and Mike get into a ping-pong match and their cutthroat sides dominate. Monica harms her hand, so Chandler wraps up for her - and wins. Joey and Charlie acknowledge they share nothing practically speaking and separate. Joey learns of Rachel's affections for him however doesn't feel he can do anything about this as a result of Ross. In the interim, Ross and Charlie get to know one another and understand their affections for one another. They kiss; Joey sees them and chooses not to allow Ross to remain among himself and Rachel. He returns and kisses her. 

In the end, I will suggest you one of my favourite episodes, so read till the end.   

Season 10 


Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe tune in through the slight dividers as Ross makes out with Charlie and Joey make out with Rachel. Before things go excessively far, Ross concludes he better converse with Joey about Charlie. Joey concludes he better talk with Ross about Rachel. Monica gets braided hair placed in her hair to defeat the fuzziness brought about by the stickiness. Ross consults with Joey about Charlie on the flight home, yet Joey can't force himself to discuss Rachel. Mike uncovers that he has a sweetheart (named Precious), and tells Phoebe he'll part ways with her at supper. Phoebe hangs tight for Mike at his loft; Precious appears there unintentionally, so Phoebe breaks the news to her. Monica's hair leads to her issues at home, so she consents to dispose of the braided hair.  


Ross is gone crazy by Rachel and Joey's relationship, yet continues to demand he's fine. He sets up for Rachel and Joey to eat with Charlie and him, where he's a passionate wreck and exceptionally plastered. Chandler and Monica, disappointed by the intricacy of reception, visit Phoebe's companions (Bill and Colleen) who have an embraced child (Owen). Chandler erroneously uncovers to the kid that he's embraced. Phoebe gets a visit from Frank Jr. what's more, the trios. Forthright is completely overpowered by the obligations of parenthood, having not dozed in four years. He requests Phoebe to take one from the children, however at that point acknowledges he would never surrender any of them.  


Joey and Rachel have their first authority date, however, with regards to getting physical, they simply don't feel calm. Ross like's Monica's splashed on tan, so he chooses to get one. However, disarray about the directions (and regardless of whether to count "Mississippi") lead to numerous portions on his front and none on his back. A close buddy (Amanda) of Monica's and Phoebe's moves once again into town from England. They attempt to remove her from their lives by disregarding her, without progress. It comes out that in prior years, Phoebe attempted to do likewise to Monica. Joey and Rachel understand their relationship won't work. 


Ross and Rachel host a gathering for Emma's first birthday celebration. They demand that everybody be there, which strains every one of their arrangements: Chandler and Monica are attempting to move away for the end of the week; Phoebe has a back rub arrangement; Joey has a tryout. The party gets in progress, yet delays because Emma is resting and Rachel will not awaken her. Joey didn't realize he should get Emma a present, so where he hears that Phoebe has composed Emma a tune, he chooses to do an emotional perusing. His somewhat late exertion out-does Phoebe's tune. The rabbit formed cake with Emma's image is erroneously supplanted with a curiosity cake moulded like a penis (still with Emma's image on it). Rachel goes to get it supplanted, enticing every other person to leave.  


Monica and Chandler request Rachel to compose a letter from the proposal to their reception office; Joey gets a handle on the left since they didn't ask him, so they do. After a messed up endeavour to compose a decent letter, he does a re-compose and drops it off without showing it to them first. The reception office believes it's brilliant that they had a "youngster" compose their proposal. Phoebe unwittingly derides each thought Mike has for proposing to her. He at long last do it the correct way - he gets down on one knee and opens his heart. On Rachel's recommendation, her sister, Amy, says a final farewell to her life partner (whom she doesn't adore), and briefly moves in with Rachel. Rachel needs to assist Amy with being a superior, more capable individual, so when Emma's babysitter becomes ill, Rachel chooses to allow herself to focus on Emma on the day. Emma winds up with pierced ears, and Rachel acknowledges Amy is past help.  


Chandler's promotional firm gets another record and Joey needs Chandler to get him in the business. Chandler doesn't believe he's ideal for the part, so Joey gives him a videotape containing an example of his business work. Chandler doesn't watch it, yet lies that he did. Joey understands reality since Chandler says nothing regarding his Japanese 'Ichiban: Lipstick for men" business. Ross is applying for a fossil science award and discovers Charlie's former beau (Benjamin) assesses the candidates. Charlie presents them, and Benjamin promptly begins compelling Ross to part ways with her, so he can get her covered. Ross doesn't yield, however ultimately Charlie chooses to reunite with Benjamin at any rate. Phoebe is getting stuff out of her condo to account for Mike; she chooses to dispose of some revolting work of art she made and attempts to give it to Monica and Rachel, who had been claiming to like it. 


Phoebe and Mike, paralyzed by the costs associated with a wedding, conclude they'll get hitched in City Hall and give the cash to a noble cause. When they give it away, Phoebe adjusts her perspective and they request it back. In any case, Phoebe is as yet uncertain. The reception organization sends a lady (Laura) to assess Chandler and Monica and their home. They need everything to go impeccably, so when it just so happens, Laura had a terrible dating experience with Joey, they profess not to know him. Joey figures out how to turn the circumstance around and make Laura think she violated him. Rachel goes crazy when Ross needs to take Emma to the jungle gym, because of her youth hair-related jungle gym mishap. Ross persuades her it will be alright, so they all go together. Ross gets kicked in the head by a child on the swings.  


Monica would rather not have Thanksgiving until Phoebe proposes that she consider it to be a rivalry with herself, to top her earlier year. Phoebe persuades Rachel to enter Emma into a child marvel exhibition. Joey gets passes to a hockey game and he and Ross go, even though it could struggle with the Thanksgiving supper. Rachel, Phoebe, Joey, and Ross are for the most part late for supper, rankling Monica and Chandler, who would have rather not had the supper in any case. At the stature of the contention, Monica gets a call from the reception organization letting them know they're getting a child.  


Chandler and Monica go to Ohio to be met by the birth mother (Erica) of their imminent kid. Because of a mistake, she thinks Chandler is a specialist and Monica a reverend. Monica needs to allow the deception to proceed, yet Chandler demands coming clean, which nearly costs them the child. Joey convinces a hesitant Phoebe to set him up with her companion, Sarah. Joey is reluctant to call Sarah briefly date because during supper she took a few fries from his plate (Joey doesn't share food). Ross looks for style guidance from Rachel and Phoebe for a forthcoming date (with Joan), so they take him shopping. Their packs get stirred up; Ross winds up wearing a ladies' pullover - a similar shirt Joan is wearing. 


Rachel and Phoebe spot Chandler with a blonde outsider; Phoebe believes he's having an unsanctioned romance. They follow the pair to a house outside the city. They tell the remainder of the posse, and afterwards stand up to Monica and Chandler, compelling the disclosure that Monica and Chandler are attempting to move to a house outside the city to bring up their youngster. In endeavours to convince Chandler and Monica to remain, their companions help them to remember every one of the incredible recollections they've had in their loft in the city (displayed as clasps from past scenes).  


Joey's a big name visitor on Pyramid; he does frightfully until he's in the Winner's Circle, where he does well indeed... until the last sign. Rachel and Monica arrange a single girl party for Phoebe, however haven't recruited a stripper. At the point when they discover that Phoebe's depending on one, they settle on a speedy decision and recruit the first that is accessible. He ends up being short, fat, and old. At the point when Phoebe doesn't care for him, he cries. Ross and Chandler go to a school graduated class gathering. They quarrel over young ladies from quite a while ago, provoking a progression of flashbacks to 1987 and their first year of school, including a party where Rachel (with her old nose) and Monica (before she lost the weight) come for a little while. A few disclosures are made, including the way that Chandler kissed Rachel, and Ross (who thought he kissed Rachel) kissed Monica.  


Phoebe's Dad can't go to the wedding, so she requests that Joey walk her down the walkway; he plays the overprotective mentor excessively well. Phoebe is made insane by her wedding organizer - Monica. Chandler and Ross acknowledge they aren't at the wedding. At the point when one of the groomsmen exits, they vie for the spot.  


Joey is trying out for a play and needs to communicate in French, so he enrols Phoebe to instruct him. She attempts, yet he can't get it. Rachel's dad has a cardiovascular failure; joined by Ross, she returns home to Long Island to visit him. In her weak state, she requests that Ross go through the evening and makes her cravings exceptionally understood. He would rather not exploit her, so he leaves. Rachel is furious. Erica (the mother of Monica and Chandler's future kid) comes to New York for a little while. They get some information about the kid's dad and discover she's uncertain about whether the dad is the all American football player or the indicted killer who killed his dad with a digging tool. Joey figures he can drink a gallon of milk in ten seconds. 


Rachel's lunch meeting with Gucci ends up being directly close to her present supervisor's table. She doesn't find another line of work; she loses her present one. In the interim, Ross is brought residency at his specific employment and his satisfaction makes Rachel's incident much harder to bear. While moving her stuff out of Ralph Lauren, she finds Mark (who caused all the desire seven years sooner); he presently works at Louis Vuitton and indeed is aware of a potential employment opportunity for her. Phoebe mulls over changing her last name to Hanigan. When she discovers she can change her name to anything she needs, she picks Princes Consuela Bananahammock, driving Mike to take steps to change his name to Crap Bag. Monica and Chandler take Joey to see their new house. He does whatever it takes not to proceed with the buyer until the young lady that lives there helps him comprehend. Rachel finds a new line of work offer... in Paris.  


Ross visits Rachel's old supervisor at Ralph Lauren to attempt to land her position back, so she will not need to go to Paris. She chooses to remain, yet Ross acknowledges how significant Paris is to her, and advises her to go. At the point when the house close to their's goes available to be purchased, Chandler and Monica look at it and are upset to track down Janice as their likely new neighbour. Chandler imagines he's as yet enamoured with her so she'll believe it's a slip-up to move there. Joey's representative (Estelle) passes on, yet the group would rather not tell him, since he's as of now irritated pretty much the wide range of various changes continuing. Phoebe calls him professing to be Estelle, and Joey fires her. Afterwards, he discovers she's dead, yet Phoebe calls once more, leaving Joey to go ballistic.  


Rachel completes arrangements to go to Paris. Monica and Chandler load up their loft with the group's assistance. While pressing, Chandler finds a couple of hiding lined binds and experiences difficulty finding their proprietor. During a disappearing party for Rachel, she says individual farewells to everybody aside from Ross; he's surprised and goes up against her, prompting an energetic kiss. Erica starts giving birth.  


Ross and Rachel go through a piece of the night together, their kiss having prompted more. Ross concludes he needs to be with Rachel, yet she sees their night together as the ideal method for bidding farewell. Monica and Chandler mentor Erica through conveyance at the clinic, and all are amazed when she conveys twins. Joey purchases another chick and duck as a house-warming present for Chandler and Monica, the past pair had gone to that "unique ranch" for old birds. Gunther admits his love to Rachel.  


Ross and Phoebe rush to the JFK air terminal so Ross can let Rachel know how he feels. Once there, they understand Rachel is at the Newark air terminal. Joey's Chick Jr. furthermore, Duck Jr. escape from their crate and stall out inside the foosball table; it must be destroyed to get them out. Ross and Phoebe get to the Newark air terminal not long before Rachel leaves. Ross spills his guts to her, yet she leaves in any case. Ross gets back; a couple of moments later, Rachel appears, having acknowledged she adores him, as well. 


Episode list 

ninth season 

Num Title                                                                                    Original Air Date _____________________________________________________________________

1, The One Where No One Proposes,                                          Thu Sep 26, 2002 

2, The One Where Emma Cries,                                                  Thu Oct 03, 2002 

3, The One With the Pediatrician,                                                Thu Oct 10, 2002 

4, The One With the Sharks,                                                        Thu Oct 17, 2002 

5, The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner,                                Thu Oct 31, 2002 

6, The One With the Male Nanny,                                               Thu Nov 07, 2002 

7, The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song,                               Thu Nov 14, 2002 

8, The One With Rachel's Other Sister,                                       Thu Nov 21, 2002 

9, The One With Rachel's Phone Number,                                  Thu Dec 05, 2002 

10, The One With Christmas In Tulsa,                                        Thu Dec 12, 2002 

11, The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work,                         Thu Jan 09, 2003 

12, The One With Phoebe's Rats,                                                Thu Jan 16, 2003 

13, The One Where Monica Sings,                                              Thu Jan 30, 2003 

14, The One With the Blind Dates,                                              Thu Feb 06, 2003 

15, The One With the Mugging,                                                  Thu Feb 13, 2003 

16, The One With the Boob Job,                                                 Thu Feb 20, 2003 

17, The One With the Memorial Service,                                   Thu Mar 13, 2003 

18, The One With the Lottery,                                                    Thu Apr 03, 2003 

19, The One With Rachel's Dream,                                            Thu Apr 17, 2003 

20, The One With the Soap Opera Party,                                   Thu Apr 24, 2003 

21, The One With the Fertility Test,                                          Thu May 01, 2003 

22, The One With the Donor,                                                    Thu May 08, 2003 

23, The One in Barbados (1),                                                    Thu May 15, 2003 

24, The One in Barbados (2),                                                    Thu May 15, 2003 

tenth season 

Num Title                                                                                    Original Air Date _____________________________________________________________________

1, The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss,                                      Thu Sep 25, 2003 

2, The One Where Ross is Fine,                                                  Thu Oct 02, 2003 

3, The One With Ross's Tan,                                                        Thu Oct 09, 2003 

4, The One With the Cake,                                                           Thu Oct 23, 2003 

5, The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits,                                Thu Oct 30, 2003 

6, The One With Ross's Grant,                                                     Thu Nov 06, 2003 

7, The One With the Home Study,                                                Thu Nov 13, 2003 

8, The One With the Late Thanksgiving,                                      Thu Nov 20, 2003 

9, The One With the Birth Mother,                                                Thu Jan 08, 2004 

10, The One Where Chandler Gets Caught,                                  Thu Jan 15, 2004 

11, The One Where the Stripper Cries,                                          Thu Feb 05, 2004 

12, The One With Phoebe's Wedding,                                            Thu Feb 12, 2004 

13, The One Where Joey Speaks French,                                       Thu Feb 19, 2004 

14, The One With Princess Consuela,                                            Thu Feb 26, 2004 

15, The One Where Estelle Dies,                                                   Thu Apr 22, 2004 

16, The One With Rachel's Going Away Party,                              Thu Apr 29, 2004 

17, The Last One (1),                                                                      Thu May 06, 2004 

18, The Last One (2),                                                                      Thu May 06, 2004 

Special, The One With All the Other Ones (1),                              Thu May 06, 2004 

Special, The One With All the Other Ones (2),                              Thu May 06, 2004 

Special, Friends: The Reunion,                                                       Thu May 27, 2021 


Trivia  : 

Are you a fan of friends? Let's find out, so gather your friends and test your knowledge on all things Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe with the ultimate Friends trivia test.   


1. How long has Rachel had feelings for Joey ? 

  About one month 

  About three months 

  About one year 

  About one week 

2. Does David propose to Phoebe ? 



3. Charlie likes Joey 



4. Put these in order 

  a. Phoebe mugged Ross 

  b. Amy and Rachel fight 

  c. Rachel and Gavin kissed 

5. Chandler broke Monica's favorite dishes 

  Chandler quit his job 

  Everyone took a trip to Barbados 

6. Who does Joey ask to teach him french? 






7. What is the name of the birth mother to Monica and Chandlers babies ? 





8. What does Rachel's sister do to Emma while baby-sitting? 

  Has her hair cut 

  Has her ears pierced 

  Has her nails painted 

  Has make up put on her 


9. How much does Emma win as "Grand supreme little darling"? 






10. Ross buys champaign to celebrate getting tenure. Which country is it from? 






11. What was on Joey's audition tape? 

  He was advertising lipstick for men 

  He was in a porn film 

  He was dressed as a woman 

  Nothing - Chandler taped over it 


12. What does Rachel's boss call Ross? 






13. What does Mike want to change his name to? 


  "Crap bag" 

  Mike Hannigan Buffay 

  Mike Buffay Hannigan 

Thank you 

This is the end of series. I wish you have liked my very first series. Thank you for reading my blog till the end. Check out my other blogs too. 

Tell me your answers in the comment section! 


All the credit goes to the respective owners. Blogs are by yellow thoughts. 

Author's note 

This is the end of series where I review all the friends episodes.  

Standout episode

season 9: ep 5 , ep 13, ep 18.

season 10: ep 3, ep 8, ep 14.


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