world expedition on Harley's !!!!!
World expedition on Harley's
This are some fun and interesting facts about world that will increase your wanderlust.....( as per my thought 😄😄)
Here it goes fun facts....
- France covers more time zones than any country on the planet (12 specifically)
- Canada has over three million lakes. That's 60% of the world's total.
- New York city is actually further south than Rome is.
- Russia is bigger than Pluto.
- Papua new Guinea has over 820 languages listed as being spoken in it's country.
- 99% of Libya is covered in desert.
- Finland has almost 180000 islands. More than any country on earth.
- San Marino has more cars in its country than people.
- Only 4% of all the world's languages are spoken by 96% of its population.
- The isle of sark, in between England and France, doesn't have street lamps ,cars or outdoor lighting.
- There is a town in Norway just called A.
- There is actually no land on the north pole, only ice on top of the sea.
- Ganvie in Africa is the country's largest city built entirely on stilts.
- The whole of China operates on Beijing time, even though the country covers five time zones.
- Roughly 64,640 selfies are taken around the world every minute.
- Iran is home to the second oldest tree on earth, it is 4,000 years old.
- The world's busiest airport is hartfield Jackson airport in Atlanta USA.
- Dubai owns 20%of the world's cranes.
- The city of Monaco is smaller in size than central park in new York.
- The island of okun oshima in Japan is inhabited entirely by bunnies.
- Exumas island in the Bahamas is home to swimming pigs.
- Almost 3% of the ice in Antarctica is made up of penguins urine.
- India is the most diverse country in the world in almost every way- culturally, economically, geographically, racially, linguistically, ethically, and religiously.
- The small town of caldari di ortona in Italy has a free wine fountain that offers locally made wine and is open to all.
- Vatican city's famous swiss guard wear uniform inspired by renaissance painting by Michelangelo, Raphael and jacopo coppi.
- With an average height of 1.8m above sea level, the Maldives is the lowest nation on earth.
- Singapore is the largest country in the world without any farms or agriculture based economy.
- About 1/3 of the world's airports are located in the United states, and at given time are over 61,000 people up in the air.
- North Korea and Cuba are the only places u can't buy coca cola.
- The entire world's population could fit inside LA.
- More people visit France than any other country.
- The world's most densely populated island is the size of 2 soccer fields.
- Indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world.
- The Paris agreement on climate change was signed by the largest number of countries ever in one day.
- There are only three countries in the world that don't use the metric system.
- The longest place name on the planet is 85 letters long.
- South Sudan is the youngest country in the world.
- There are more than 24 time zones around the world.
- There are 43 countries that still have a royal family.
- Copenhagen is the most bike friendly city in the world.
- There are 41 countries that recognize sign language as an official language.
- There are only two countries with names that begin with ' the '.
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